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Roma in Cucina: The Flavours of Rome (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Roma in Cucina: The Flavours of Rome (Hardcover)
Product Description

Local products and wines accompany 70 traditional recipes prepared by some of the most renowned chefs in the capital. Carciofi alla giudia mozzarella in carrozza supplied as appetizers. Then one of the many kinds of pasta with cheese and pepper: amatriciana grìcia carrettiera; then the endless ways of preparing meat and offal: tongue tail sweetbread tripe. And for dessert: a delicious crostata. Roman cuisine is a veritable feast of the senses and flavours often overwhelming and never banal; its history is rooted in the centuries under the empire and the papacy and it makes use of the finest raw materials of the Lazio region.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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