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Faux White Petunia Hanging Basket Cone

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Product Name
Faux White Petunia Hanging Basket Cone
Product Description

This artificial white petunia plant is handcrafted by House of Silk Flowers and is just dripping with large vibrant flowers. Each plant is securely potted in a designer basket: Reed/water hyacinth and metal hanging basket: Sturdy off-center metal hook measuring 12 diameter x 6 tall with 16 hook Square: Designer reed hanging basket (10 square x 11 tall 16 chain) Cone: Designer reed hanging basket (12 diameter x 14 tall 14 chain) Beehive: Designer reed hanging basket (12 diameter x 13 tall 14 chain) The plant itself is 9 tall from the top of the basket 26 diameter and has 24 trailers that flow from the top of the basket. Measurements are approximate and will be determined by your final shaping of the plant upon unpacking it. No arranging is necessary only minor shaping with the way in which we package and ship our products. This product is only recommended for indoor use.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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