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B.Tan I Want the Darkest Tan Possible - Self Tan Mousse 6.7 fl oz

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Product Name
B.Tan I Want the Darkest Tan Possible - Self Tan Mousse 6.7 fl oz
Product Description

let’s get straight to the point because we know what you’re after - b.tan i want the darkest tan possible. you’re here for that scorching head-turning Instagram-worthy glow that sets the selfie world on fire. There’s no need for us to beat around the bush; our product’s name tells you everything you need to know. it is the darkest tan possible. It’s all about simplicity - apply this and witness an instant transformation into the most spectacular deepest tan you’ve ever dreamed of. No more of that telltale fake tan signs to give you away just the allure of your new bronzed beauty. Embrace the simplicity the quality and the bold confidence that b.tan I want the darkest tan possible provides. b.tan i want the darkest tan possible is a vegan friendly formula that is PETA -approved cruelty free - so you can love your tan ever more knowing you’re using a self tanner that cares about your skin and cares about the planet. Wanting to know how to get the darkest tan possible: here’s how: first up get naked. or at least naked enough to tan your super hot bod. make sure your skin is clean exfoliated and dry. apply mousse with your b.tan tan mitt wash your hands wait at least 1 hour and then shower. if you want it crazy dark - double coat it leave on for 4+ hours. for longer lasting self tan results make sure to moisturize your skin every day. even better use a gradual tan to moisturize + top up color each and every day. so you can fall in love with tan for longer.

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Last updated
March 10, 2025

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