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Supreme Selective Rabbit Food 4 Lb

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Product Name
Supreme Selective Rabbit Food 4 Lb
Product Description

Supreme Selective Fortified Rabbit FoodVets believe thathigh fiber is most importantwhen recommending a rabbit food. Wild rabbits mainly eat grass which naturally contains 20-25% fiber and rabbits digestive systems have evolved to need a high fiber diet. Now Supreme has raised the levels of fiber in Science Selective to 25% so you can provide your rabbits with an even higher fiber diet that will help to keep them in the very best of health naturally. With forage as the main source of fiber Selective contains lots of other tasty natural ingredients too - linseed with Omega 3 & ; 6 that help to keep your rabbit s skin and coat in tip top condition as well as natural prebiotics to help promote friendly digestive bacteria.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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