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What Do You Really Want for Your Children? (Paperback)

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Product Name
What Do You Really Want for Your Children? (Paperback)
Product Description

World-famous author Wayne Dyer the doctor who taught millions how to take charge of their own lives in the bestselling classics Your Erroneous Zones and Pulling Your Own Strings reveals how to help your kids take charge of their own happiness. If you have children then you have dreams for them. You want to see them growing up happy healthy self-reliant and confident in themselves and their abilities. You ve also probably wondered if you ll be able to give them all this. There s good news: you can. Wayne Dyer shares the wisdom and guidance that have already helped millions of readers take charge of their lives and shows how to make all your hopes for your children come true. Learn valuable advice including Dyer s original seven simple secrets for building your child s self-esteem every day; how to give very young children all the love they need without spoiling them; how to encourage risk-taking without fear of failure; action strategies for dealing with both your own anger and your child s; the right way (and the wrong way) to improve your child s behavior; the secrets of raising kids relatively free of illness; techniques that encourage children to enjoy life and much more. It s all here - straightforward commonsense advice that no parent can afford to do without.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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