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Music the Brain and Ecstasy: How Music Captures Our Imagination (Paperback)

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Music the Brain and Ecstasy: How Music Captures Our Imagination (Paperback)
Product Description

What makes a distant oboe s wail beautiful? Why do some kinds of music lift us to ecstasy but not others? How can music make sense to an ear and brain evolved for detecting the approaching lion or tracking the unsuspecting gazelle? Lyrically interweaving discoveries from science psychology music theory paleontology and philosophy Robert Jourdian brilliantly examines why music speaks to us in ways that words cannot and why we form such powerful connections to it. In clear understandable language Jourdian expertly guides the reader through a continuum of musical experience: sound tone melody harmony rhythm composition performance listening understanding--and finally to ecstasy. Along the way a fascinating cast of characters brings Jourdian s narrative to vivid life: \ idiots savants\ who absorb whole pieces on a single hearing composers who hallucinate entire compositions a psychic who claims to take dictation from long-dead composers and victims of brain damage who can move only when they hear music. Here is a book that will entertain inform and stimulate everyone who loves music--and make them think about their favorite song in startling new ways.What makes a distant oboes wail beautiful? Why do some kinds of music lift us to ecstasy but not others? How can music make sense to an ear and brain evolved for detecting the approaching lion or tracking the unsuspecting gazelle? Lyrically interweaving discoveries from science psychology music theory paleontology and philosophy Robert Jourdian brilliantly examines why music speaks to us in ways that words cannot and why we form such powerful connections to it. In clear understandable language Jourdian expertly guides the reader through a continuum of musical experience: sound tone melody harmony rhythm composition performance listening understanding--and finally to ecstasy. Along the way a fascinating cast of characters brings Jourdians narrative to vivid life: idiots savants who absorb whole pieces on a single hearing composers who hallucinate entire compositions a psychic who claims to take dictation from long-dead composers and victims of brain damage who can move only when they hear music. Here is a book that will entertain inform and stimulate everyone who loves music--and make them think about their favorite song in startling new ways.

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March 4, 2025

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