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Esschert Design FF1001 Flag Fire Basket

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Product info

Product Name
Esschert Design FF1001 Flag Fire Basket
Product Description

At Esschert Design USA we design develop produce and distribute unique home and garden gifts with all of our other locations around the world – we do it all – from idea to distribution. Ideas are developed in-house and then exclusively produced for us around the world. It is part of our mission to distribute product on a timely basis to our customers and keep a large level of stock in our warehouse in Thurmont Maryland and our central warehouse in Enschede (The Netherlands). In addition we ship large quantities directly to our customers in North and South America from our factories around the world. Our sister company Esschert Design Far East Ltd. plays a very significant role in managing our worldwide logistics and product control and the factory level. All items in the Collections include 3 main objectives: To be related to nature and the garden To be functional To be surprising innovative unique and To be a great gift idea. As a result the Esschert Design Collection fits perfectly in any garden center and any other retailer that offers products related to the outdoors such as gift shops florists home centers warehouse clubs and also Public Relations companies (corporate gifts).

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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