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SNOOPY: Box Set Collection (Paperback)

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SNOOPY: Box Set Collection (Paperback)
Product Description

A box-set facsimile collection of three classic SNOOPY comic strip books - SNOOPY SNOOPY COME HOME and SUNDAY S FUN DAY CHARLIE BROWN. With each book containing 128 pages that s over 360 pages of classic Peanuts daily and Sunday newspaper comic strips to enjoy. Including art cards featuring the cover art from the individual books. This boxed set collects the first three Snoopy-centric books and many of your favourite characters including Snoopy Charlie Brown Lucy Linus Pig-Pen Schroeder and Woodstock. Discover the world of Snoopy as he battles to save his beloved doghouse fantasies about being a dinosaur and embarks on his epic career as the Phantom Punter that is when he s not dancing avoiding cats or pondering on the vagaries of life. SNOOPY (1955-1958) SNOOPY COME HOME (1955-1962) SUNDAY S FUN DAY CHARLIE BROWN (1962-1965)

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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