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Fight the Power: Rap Race and Reality (Paperback)

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Fight the Power: Rap Race and Reality (Paperback)
Product Description

Like the hard-hitting sounds of a Public Enemy jam the words of the band s lead singer Chuck D excite the mind and senses. In his first book Chuck D pours out commentary that takes on Hollywood race the music industry the murders of Tupac and the Notorious B.I.G. drugs and the three E s--education economics and enforcement. Likening the challenge to scaling a slick mountain on roller skates Chuck D lets no one off the hook putting celebrities and street kids alike on notice that the future is up for grabs...and the only way to be part of it to be players not victims is to work together. As an insider s view on Hip-Hop culture slides into intimate revelations about his own life as lyrics from his songs bump shoulders with top ten lists like The Greatest Rappers of All Time Chuck D has his say with verve and electrifying energy with anger love and truth. A book that brings light into darkness Fight the Power speaks for a generation. It is a powerful and prophetic message that America both Black and White urgently needs to hear. Nightline with Chuck as the featured guest. His rejection of celebrity and his constant community activism have made him a hero. For the past five years he s been touring colleges and universities delivering three hour lectures on everything from the music industry s corruption of young talent the history of black music from Blues to Rap his own controversial lyrics problems in the black community self-empowerment contemporary culture and current political leaders to Public Enemy s rise to international stardom. All while maintaining his solo and Public Enemy s recording careers. Fight the Power examines a multitude of complex social racial and artistic issues. In his unmistakable voice Chuck discusses the role of heroes and role models in the black community Hollywood s negative images of blacks the effect of gangsta rap its images on the country s youth and the war between east and west coast rappers that may have spawned the murder of Tupac Shakur the role of athletes and entertainers in eroding and strengthening values and other vital contemporary concerns. Candid thoughtful and in your face Fight the Power the first substantial book by a rapper offers readers a look into the culture of hip hop and the future of Black culture.

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March 4, 2025

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