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Total Fitness and Wellness, Brief Edition (Paperback) by Scott K Powers, Stephen L Dodd, Virginia J Noland

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Product Name
Total Fitness and Wellness, Brief Edition (Paperback) by Scott K Powers, Stephen L Dodd, Virginia J Noland
Product Description

9780321532237. New condition. Trade paperback. 3rd Revised ed. Language: English. Pages: 416. Trade paperback (US). Glued binding. 416 p. Thoroughly revised and updated to be relevant, approachable, and appealing, Total Fitness and Wellness, Brief Third Edition gives students a solid foundation in fitness and lifetime wellness, while teaching them how to make healthy behavioral changes and lifestyle choices. The Third Edition combines the latest research in exercise science, expanded coverage of behavior change, and exciting new features with the most comprehensive supplements package in the market to make a book instructors and students alike will enjoy using. For a focused presentation on fitness, the Brief Edition consists of Chapters 1-10 and 16 from the big book so students receive the basics on fitness, nutrition, cardiovascular disease, stress management, and lifetime behavior change. Scott Powers and Stephen Dodd are award-winning instructors who bring their expertise in exercise physiology to the text. In addition, new authors Erica Jackson and Marilyn Miller bring their knowledge and experience in fitness and wellness to this edition of the text. The authors address such important issues as behavior change, nutrition, fitness program planning, cardiovascular health, disease prevention, and stress management. Updated coverage in the Third Edition includes a new chapter on body composition, the reorganization of content to more fully integrate behavior change, and a revised lab program reflecting current fitness trends. An expanded media package features a Teaching Tool Box that includes a Course-at-a-Glance Quick Reference Guide, and the Fitness Support Manual. ABC News Lecture Launcher videos are incorporated into the PowerPoint (R) Lecture Slide presentations, and new and revised labs plus exercise videos have been added to MyHealthLab.

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February 23, 2025

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