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Mirror Mirror on the Wall : Women Writers Explore Their Favorite Fairy Tales (Paperback)

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Product Name
Mirror Mirror on the Wall : Women Writers Explore Their Favorite Fairy Tales (Paperback)
Product Description

New edition (revised and expanded) available 8/13/02. Fairy tales are one of the most enduring forms of literature their plots retold and characters reimagined for centuries. In this elegant and thought-provoking collection of original essays Kate Bernheimer brings together twenty-eight leading women writers to discuss how these stories helped shape their imaginations their craft and our culture. In poetic narratives personal histories and penetrating commentary the assembled authors bare their soul and challenge received wisdom. Eclectic and wide-ranging Mirror Mirror on the Wall is essential reading for anyone who has ever been bewitched by the strange and fanciful realm of fairy tales. Contributors include: Alice Adams Julia Alvarez Margaret Atwood Ann Beattie Rosellen Brown A. S. Byatt Kathryn Davis Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni Deborah Eisenberg Maria Flook Patricia Foster Vivian Gornick Lucy Grealy bell hooks Fanny Howe Fern Kupfer Ursula K. Le Guin Carole Maso Jane Miller Lydia Millet Joyce Carol Oates Connie Porter Francine Prose Linda Gray Sexton Midori Snyder Fay Weldon Joy Williams Terri Windling.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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