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Today [Legacy Edition] [Digipak] (CD) (Digi-Pak)

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Product Name
Today [Legacy Edition] [Digipak] (CD) (Digi-Pak)
Product Description

Digitally remastered and expanded two CD Legacy edition of this 1975 album. In the lead up to the Today sessions Elvis won a Grammy for Best Inspirational Performance of 1975. The award was for an in-concert version of quot;How Great Thou Art quot; and it couldn t have come at a better time. The chance to take possession of the treasured trophy came when Elvis flew out to the coast in readiness to rehearse and record at RCA s studio in Hollywood. Elvis last studio album like his first was made up of songs he chose and loved. This 40th anniversary Legacy Edition contains the original album featuring the hit single quot;T-R-O-U-B-L-Equot; and 10 undubbed session mixes. Disc 2 features live performances given within weeks of the album s release. Previously issued in 1980 this constructed show has been remastered and reassembled from original source tapes to offer improved audio definition.

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March 3, 2025

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