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McNett 42170 Frontier Pro Replacement Filter Red Line Virus Protection

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Product Name
McNett 42170 Frontier Pro Replacement Filter Red Line Virus Protection
Product Description

Redesigned to trap even more contaminants than before. Ideal for hiking and travel. No pumping mechanisms or hoses are required. Simply fill the bottle insert the filter and squeeze to drink. Filter good for up to 200 fills of the bottle depending on water clarity. A.Green line: removes greater than 99% of bacteria cryptosporidium giardia chlorine bad tastes and odors.Red line: removes greater than 99% of bacteria cryptosporidium giardia chlorine bad tastes odors chemicals viruses and cysts.Aquamira Replacement Filter item #117356 fits older style Aquamira H20 Filter Bottle.

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Last updated
February 8, 2025

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