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AR Blue Clean ARDFW04 Deck and Fence Pressure Washer Detergent

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Product Name
AR Blue Clean ARDFW04 Deck and Fence Pressure Washer Detergent
Product Description

The AR Blue Clean deck & fence detergent is a non-corrosive non-toxic professional grade product developed for multi-purpose application removes stains & rejuvenates the look of decks fences & other outdoor structure such as pergolas gazebos & carports. Works with either electric or gas pressure washers. This detergent removes oxidation & weathering returning surfaces to their original colors. Brightens PVC & vinyl fencing without harmful bleach & won t corrode metals making it great for cleaning wrought iron. It quickly eliminates tough grime dirty dust removes stains & is safe on metal surfaces. A great product for cleaning & degreasing. Use a heavier cleaning dilution for engines wheels tools heavy equipment & Bumpers size: 1 gallon bottle. For heavy manual cleaning- mix 1: 8 for light cleaning- mix 1: 30

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Last updated
February 9, 2025

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