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Healthy Pet (#L0405) Carefresh Ultra-Premium Small Pet Soft Bedding White 50 L

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Product Name
Healthy Pet (#L0405) Carefresh Ultra-Premium Small Pet Soft Bedding White 50 L
Product Description

Makes the softest driest mostcomfortable home for your small pet with complete comfort care.Key Features:White color makes it easier tosee and remove soiled areasMade from natural cellulosefibers is safe and comfy for all small pets 100% dust freeControls odor 3x longer than theoriginal for longer lasting freshness and more time between cage changesAbsorbs 3x its weight in liquidsoft and comfy fun for burrowingMade from wood pulp a natural andsustainable resource 100% biodegradable and compostableSpecifically designed for smallpets Carefresh pet bedding is sustainably made from scratch with pillowy-soft ultra-absorbent natural paper fiber. Whether filling a hamster s home orlooking for the perfect guinea pig bedding our natural small animal beddingprovides your pet with a soft safe clean and dry place to burrow nest andnap. Free of harmful chemicals and synthetic dyes this 99% dust-free high-performancebedding is also biodegradable and compostable meaning clean-up is always quickand easy while ensuring a cleaner healthier home for your furry friend. Treatyour beloved pet to the bedding of choice for guinea pigs rabbits hamsters gerbils rats mice chinchillas and ferrets. Carefresh only uses reclaimedpaper fiber and untreated wood from sustainable sources free of harmfulchemicals and other pollutants. Variations in product color texture and size can occur due to ourcommitment to using sustainable practices to protect the future of our planet.

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Last updated
March 11, 2025

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