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DW SSC Collector s Series 4-Piece FinishPly Shell Pack With 24 Bass Drum With Satin Chrome Hardware Black Ice

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DW SSC Collector s Series 4-Piece FinishPly Shell Pack With 24 Bass Drum With Satin Chrome Hardware Black Ice
Product Description

The Collector’s Series is DW s flagship line of custom drums. These SSC Maple Shell FinishPly Drums have a Black Ice Finish and Satin Chrome hardware. The shell pack is made up of a 12x9 VLT shell tom 14x14 X-shell floor tom 16x16 VLX shell floor tom and a 24x18 VLX shell kick. SSC stands for Specialized Shell Configuration. It s the culmination of more than a decade of DW Custom Shop shell technology and represents the state-of-the-art in sonic customization. So what is SSC? Put simply it s DW s recommended shell configuration that utilizes HVLT VLT X and VLX shell technologies. Of course drummers can custom order a custom DW kit anyway they want it but DW has simplified the process by optimizing a particular type of shell for each drum size.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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