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Source Readings Vol. 3 Strunk s Source Readings in Music History: The Renaissance Book 3 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Source Readings Vol. 3 Strunk s Source Readings in Music History: The Renaissance Book 3 (Paperback)
Product Description

Writers of the time explored its links with grammar and rhetoric reported on the music of non-European peoples and debated the role of music in religious and other spheres. The forty-five readings chosen for this volume by Gary Tomlinson cover a gamut that includes composers theorists poets philosophers courtiers scholars kings and popes. Through the eyes of Bembo and Byrd Du fay and Erasmus Peacham and Palestrina Charles IX and Gregory XIII Calvin and Castiglione Aaron Tinctoris Morley and Zarlino we see the many worlds of music in the Renaissance.

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March 3, 2025

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