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Games for Reading: Playful Ways to Help Your Child Read (Paperback)

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Games for Reading: Playful Ways to Help Your Child Read (Paperback)
Product Description

HERE ARE OVER SEVENTY GAMES TO HELP YOUR CHILD LEARN TO READ--AND LOVE IT. Peggy Kaye s Games for Reading helps children read by doing just what kids like best: playing games. There is a bingo game that helps children learn vocabulary. There is a rhyming game that helps them hear letter sounds more accurately. There are mazes and puzzles games that train the eye to see patterns of letters games that train the ear so a child can sound out words games that awaken a child s imagination and creativity and games that provide the right spark to fire a child s enthusiasm for reading. There are games in which your child has to act silly and games--sure to be any child s favorite--in which you do. Easy to follow and easy to play these games are ideal for busy working parents. You can read a game in a few minutes and start to play right away. You can play on car trips while doing the laundry or while cooking. These games are so much fun for the whole family that you may forget their serious purpose. But they will help all beginning readers--those who have reading problems and those who do not--learn to read and want to read. Games for Reading also includes a list of easy-to-read books and books for reading aloud and a Note to Teachers on how to play these games in their classrooms.

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Last updated
March 11, 2025

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