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Perforated Paper 4 1/4 from Left Vertical on White 24# Letter Size Copy Paper (Ream of 500)

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Product Name
Perforated Paper 4 1/4 from Left Vertical on White 24# Letter Size Copy Paper (Ream of 500)
Product Description

Our perforated paper allows for an efficient work flow by decreasing paper jams and mistakes while saving you money! This paper has a full vertical perforation 4 1/4 from left. The sheets are each 8 1/2 x 11 letter size with 24# white paper stock 92 brightness and is perforated into two parts to create two 4.25 x 11 sheets. The paper has a long grain direction. This paper is sold as single reams of 500 sheets. They are also avaible for bulk purchase of 2 500 sheets or 5 reams. This pre-perfed paper is inexpensive and great for use in manufacturing for receipts and in retail for record keeping. Our perf paper allows for smooth printing and ensures a perforation exactly where you need it. The Colorlok treatment is applied to each sheet to give you better printing quality and vibrant colors!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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