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A Brief History of Yoga (Paperback)

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Product Name
A Brief History of Yoga (Paperback)
Product Description

Yoga is growing in popularity all over the world today yet misconceptions about its original purpose and ancient roots aUncovering when and where this popular path to health and enlightenment originated and how it developed over thousands of years A Brief History of Yoga is essential reading for all those who care about the past and future evolution of yoga. bound. In this refreshing tale of the history of yoga the author unveils the true heart of the tradition and introduces us to its most influential teachers. Most writers on yoga have claimed that the practice originated in the ancient Vedas. An increasing number of scholars however find this view problematic both historically and philosophically. According to this fascinating book yoga did not originate in Vedic society rather it developed among the enigmatic teachers of Tantra.

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March 4, 2025

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