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FLYGRUBS Superior to Dried Mealworms for Chickens (1lb) - Non-GMO Chicken Feed - BSFL Treats for Hens Ducks Turkeys Wild Birds Turtles Quails

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Product Name
FLYGRUBS Superior to Dried Mealworms for Chickens (1lb) - Non-GMO Chicken Feed - BSFL Treats for Hens Ducks Turkeys Wild Birds Turtles Quails
Product Description

DO YOU WANT A HEALTHIER TREAT FOR YOUR GIRLS? With 85x MORE CALCIUM for chickens than dried mealworms our dried Black Soldier Fly larvae is an environmentally friendly grain-free backyard chicken feeder supplement that your GIRLS will LOVE! A daily handful helps to promote happy hen eggs with stronger eggshells that won’t break before getting to the kitchen. - Keep in mind you’re giving your girls a new fly grub treat and it may take a short time before they start to LOVE them. ONLY WANT THE BEST for your hens? FLYGRUBS are NUTRIENT DENSE and contain HEALTHY FATS. - Sadly Mealworms have no Lauric Acid and only a fraction of the calcium of FLYGRUBS. - FLYGRUBS is an affordable all-natural premium adult chicken feed additive & molting supplement that should be used in conjunction with balanced feed. - When you consider the cost of alternative protein and calcium supplements FLYGRUBS makes sense. YOU RE DOING YOUR PART! Our grub worms are a renewable feed additive raised on traceable pre-consumed food waste such as fruits vegetables and grains that would otherwise go to a landfill. We turn human food waste into organic chicken feed and hen treats to help reduce greenhouse gas! Landfills produce methane and negatively affect the climate about 20x worse than carbon dioxide and studies show as low as 3% of food waste is recycled worldwide! THE EARTH THANKS YOU! We are an American-run business. We work very closely with our farms farmers and labs to raise safe healthy Approved and affordable chicken treats for hens. Unlike brands selling mealworms for bluebirds and chicken scratch feed FLYGRUBS comes in a resealable bag that’s carefully packed into a carton box to guarantee you don t receive broken and small pieces! 100% Satisfaction or your Money Back Guarantee!

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Last updated
February 12, 2025

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