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Element by Altman Plants 2.5 Multi-color Cactus Live Plants (3 Pack)

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Product Name
Element by Altman Plants 2.5 Multi-color Cactus Live Plants (3 Pack)
Product Description

Imagine a kaleidoscope of vivid colors radiating from your windowsill bookshelf or patio. That wondrous effect is yours with these grafted cacti beaming like little bright moons. And they just might periodically reward you with adorable flowers. Their tolerance of lower light allows them to shine as cactus houseplants. Each beautiful-but-chlorophyll-deprived seedling is grafted (a physical union of the vascular systems of two plants) onto a fast-growing cactus species  a base plant that provides the necessary chlorophyll for the upper plant (the Gymnocalycium seedling lacking in chlorophyll) to thrive. These lovably prickly low-maintenance characters are easy to grow and will provide welcome pops of color in hues like pink orange yellow or red and spirit-lifting positive vibes. Add unique living flair to an office kitchen or living room or outside on a porch or patio. They are a neat way to introduce children to cacti and plants and they make fun affordable gifts for friends family neighbors coworkers team moms you name it! Provide bright indirect light to shade. Need well-draining soil. Water thoroughly when the soil is dry to the touch. Flower spring to summer. Hardy to Zone 10/32 degrees F.

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Last updated
December 16, 2024

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