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OxiClean Versatile Baby Laundry Stain Remover and Baby Stain Soaker 3 lb

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Product Name
OxiClean Versatile Baby Laundry Stain Remover and Baby Stain Soaker 3 lb
Product Description

Wherever there’s a baby there are sure to be stains. OxiClean Baby Stain Soaker Powder delivers effective stain removal that is gentle on baby’s clothes without perfumes or dyes. Activated by water its ingredients unleash bubbling oxygen power and improve your regular detergent’s cleaning ability. Save yourself time and energy with the power of OxiClean™ Baby Stain Remover on your side. Its oxygen-based water-activated formula safely removes dried-on formula and baby food juice spills and diaper stains from all your baby’s fabrics. Plus it’s 100% chlorine fragrance and dye-free. Use as a presoak and add it to every load! You’ll see stains disappear!

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Last updated
December 13, 2024

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