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Libros Infantiles Abecedario Espanol: Español - Árabe: Escritura & Colorear Alfabeto Libros Educación Infantiles: Spanish Arabic Practicar alfabeto ABC letras con dibujos animados imágenes para a1 a2

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Product Name
Libros Infantiles Abecedario Espanol: Español - Árabe: Escritura & Colorear Alfabeto Libros Educación Infantiles: Spanish Arabic Practicar alfabeto ABC letras con dibujos animados imágenes para a1 a2
Product Description

This book containing ideal amount of undistracted information to help memorizing the alphabets shapes it is ideal to be taught for children of 1 to 5 years of age. It is one of the most suited alphabet flashcards book to be used in all levels of Pre-K kindergarten and initial grade classes.This book is aimed to practice as a learning drill to aid memorization by way of spaced repetition learning technique and exercise the mental process of active recall and to helps building concentration and cognitive skills. From A to Z this book thrills your children as they watch each letter after tracing. This helps to reinforce each letter and encourage kids to continue their alphabetic accomplishments. Not only do kids learn the letters of the alphabet and how to write them they also learn 26 x 4 words that each begin with a different letter. Alphabet flashcards are an easy and interesting way for your child recognize the world around them. Approved worldwide by child psychologists teachers and parents themselves flashcards are ideal for very young children and those up to 7 years of age. During a child s formative years developmental cards are almost a necessity and not just for entertainment. Flashcards are great for games and just starting conversations with your child. It s long been known that the key to developing a child s intellectual abilities is their personal perception and experiences during the first five years of life. By showing your child these cards you ll Stimulate brain activity Better develop your child s logical thinking Improve their memory and attention span and Develop reading skills faster than their peers. It s easy to teach your child with these cards and regular studies are essential. Product Details: * Teach your children by tracing the Alphabets with your hand kids can trace the alphabet with their own handwriting * 26 English alphabets with pictures flashcards * 26 x 4 words that each begin with a different letter. * 109 coloring & handwriting pages * Black & white printed on bright white smooth paper * Premium matte cover finish * Perfect for all lettering mediums * Large format 8.5 x 11.0 (215mm x 280mm) pages

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Last updated
March 9, 2025

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