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Global Pop: World Music World Markets (Paperback)

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Product Name
Global Pop: World Music World Markets (Paperback)
Product Description

Global Pop examines the rise of world musics and world beat and some of the musicians associated with these recent genres such as Peter Gabriel Ladysmith Black Mambazo and Johnny Clegg. Drawing on a wide range of sources - academic popular cyber interviews and the music itself - Global Pop charts an accessible path through many of the issues and contradictions surrounding the contemporary movement of people and musics worldwide. Global Pop examines the range of discourses employed in and around world music demonstrating how the central concept of authenticity is wielded by musicians fans and other listeners and looks at some of these musics in detail examining ways they are caught up in forms of domination and resistance. The book also explores how some cross-cultural collaborations may fashion new musics and identities through innovative combinations of sounds and styles.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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