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Fusion Select Bursting Boba Popping Boba Pearls - Fruit Tea Snack Toppings (Strawberry)

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Product Name
Fusion Select Bursting Boba Popping Boba Pearls - Fruit Tea Snack Toppings (Strawberry)
Product Description

WANT TO ADD A NEW DEPTH OF FLAVOR AND TEXTURE TO YOUR FAVORITE COLD BEVERAGES? The Bursting Popping Boba Pearls by Fusion Select gives your iced drinks a colorful fruity and juicy twist! You ve tasted almost all cold drinks life has to offer and you re starting to get bored. Who wouldn t be? If you re always sipping the same kinds of beverages your taste buds will soon get sick of your go-to drinks. Why not infuse your tea smoothies and frozen yogurt with boba pearls? And were not just talking about traditional black tapioca pearls. POP FOR A SURPRISE Get ready for a more satisfying way to enjoy your iced beverages. Our bursting popping boba pearls possess a tender consistency compared to chewy tapioca pearls. The pearls complement your sweet drinks and desserts. Try mixing the toppings with your fruit teas and juices for that extra fruity kick. Kids teens and Milk-tea lovers will surely love the fresh-tasting Boba pearls oozing with the juices from your favorite fruits. ADD THE FLAVOR OF YOUR CHOICE Each set of our popping pearls comes in eight delicious variants. Try the strawberry blueberry and green apple flavors on milk teas and fruit juices. The yogurt mango peach and passion fruit flavors are delicious add-ons to frozen yogurts and ice cream. Meanwhile the lychee and peach-flavored boba pearls work great when added to mocktails or cocktails. You can even mix and match multiple flavors in one drink or dessert for an extra exciting mix of fruitiness! ELEVATE YOUR COLD BEVERAGES WITH ONE INGREDIENT: OUR BURSTING BOBA PEARLS! FRUITY PARADISE MILK TEAS Bubble Milk Tea won t be complete without fresh and juicy pearls. Add our toppings to your milk tea instead of tapioca for a more satisfying bite that explodes with fruity flavors. Prepare a strong black tea or English breakfast tea. Add ice and a healthy serving of our bursting pearls. Finish the drink by topping it with a decadent cream froth from heavy cream and sugar. FLAVORED SMOOTHIES Cool yourself down with a refreshing drink under the sun s warm rays. Make pool and beach parties extra special by serving fruity concoctions. Our boba pearls make excellent additions to shakes and smoothies. The real fruit juices highlight the natural taste and flavor of fresh fruits you put in your cold beverages. The pearls also give your shakes and smoothies a yummy and satisfying texture that gets even better one sip after another. FROZEN DESSERT TOPPING Be creative and add a burst of delectable sweetness to your bowls of ice cream shaved ice cocktails and frozen yogurt. Try combining two kinds of our boba pearls with Vanilla ice cream or just about any flavor your heart desires. The colorful boba pearls also add a festive and vibrant twist to your plain-looking desserts. Your kids will be naturally drawn to the eye-catching and vivid hues of our boba pearls!

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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