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F&p Professional Books and Multimedia: Guided Reading : Good First Teaching for All Children (Paperback)

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Product Name
F&p Professional Books and Multimedia: Guided Reading : Good First Teaching for All Children (Paperback)
Product Description

This book is the richest most comprehensive guided reading resource available today and the first systematic offering of instructional support for guided reading adherents. Among the many changes to sweep American literacy education has been a move toward whole class instruction. Nonetheless children still bring to literacy a wide range of experiences and competencies. How then might teachers best support a literate community yet still meet the needs of individual readers? For Fountas and Pinnell the answer lies in guided reading which allows children to develop as individual readers within the context of a small group. Their new book is the richest most comprehensive guided reading resource available today and the first systematic offering of instructional support for guided reading adherents. Guided Reading was written for K-3 classroom teachers reading resource teachers teacher educators preservice teachers researchers administrators and staff developers. Based on the authors nine years of research and development it explains how to create a balanced literacy program based on guided reading and supported by read aloud shared reading interactive writing and other approaches. While there is an entire chapter devoted solely to the process by which children become literate every chapter clearly presents the theoretical underpinnings of the practices it suggests. Also included are guidelines for: observation and assessment dynamic grouping of readers creating sets of leveled books selecting and introducing books teaching for strategies classroom management. Best of all there are well over 2 500 leveled books in the Appendixes along with many other reproducible resources that teachers will use for years to come. Good first teaching is the foundation of education and the right of every child assert the authors. With the publication of this book educators themselves will find the foundation in reading skills instruction they so rightly deserve.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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