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ARM & HAMMER Spinbrush Pro Series Ultra White Replacement Brush Heads Soft 2 ea (Pack of 2)

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Product Name
ARM & HAMMER Spinbrush Pro Series Ultra White Replacement Brush Heads Soft 2 ea (Pack of 2)
Product Description

Pack of 2 for the UPC: 766878001920 The standard of purity.Brush HeadsChurch/DwighImportant Information: Due to normal wear it is recommended that the toothbrush head be replaced after three months of use. Brush head is replaceable. To replace brush head: Twist counterclockwise 90 degrees and pull away from handle. Slide on new head and turn clockwise 90 degrees until arrows are aligned. Rinse toothbrush head thoroughly after each use.Uses:The Spinbrush Pro Whitening brush is a battery powered toothbrush with an innovative whitening bristle system. With regular brushing it s designed to clean your teeth and give you a whiter smile. Whiter teeth in 14 days. Dual action brush head for double the cleaning motion. Whitening bristle combination. Thin head designed to clean difficult to reach teeth.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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