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Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Financial Cryptography: 7th International Conference FC 2003 Guadeloupe French West Indies January 27-30 2003 Revised Papers (Paperback)

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Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Financial Cryptography: 7th International Conference FC 2003 Guadeloupe French West Indies January 27-30 2003 Revised Papers (Paperback)
Product Description

The 7th Annual Financial Cryptography Conference was held January 27-30 2003 in Guadeloupe French West Indies. Financial Cryptography is organized by the International Financial Cryptography Association. Financial Cryptography 2003 received 54 paper submissions of which one was withdrawn. The remaining papers were carefully reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. The program committee selected 17 papers for inclusion in the conference revised versions of which are included in this proceedings. In addition to the submitted papers the program included interesting and entertaining invited talks by Tim Jones on digital cash and by Richard Field on the interactions between technology and the United Nations. There were also several panels on micropayments economics of security and trusted computing platforms some of which are represented by contributions in these proceedings and a rump session chaired by Juan Garay. We thank the program committee (listed on the next page) for their hard work in selecting the program from these papers. We also thank the external referees who helped with the reviewing task: N. Asokan Danny Bickson - manuel Bresson Dario Catalano Xuhua Ding Louis Granboulan Stuart Haber Amir Herzberg Bill Horne Russ Housley Yongdae Kim Brian LaMacchia Phil MacKenzie Maithili Narasimha Phong Nguyen Kaisa Nyberg David Poi- cheval Tomas Sander Yaron Sella Mike Szydlo Anat Talmy Ahmed Tew?k Susanne Wetzel Shouhuai Xu and Jeong Yi. (Apologies for any omissions - advertent.

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