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Kids of the Polk Street School Say Cheese Book 10 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Kids of the Polk Street School Say Cheese Book 10 (Paperback)
Product Description

Hurray it s June! The last month of school! Emily Arrow and the other children in Ms. Rooney s room are excited about the class picnic at the park. Mrs. Stewart the student teacher is even going to take class pictures. But Emily s worried. She wants a best friend. It seems everyone has a best friend ecxept her. At the picnic Emily feels so lonely she wanders off into the woods with Uni her unicorn. Before she knows it she s lost and can t find her way back. Is the rest of the class having fun? Will they say cheese when she s not there? And even worse will they leave her in the woods and go home without her?

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Last updated
February 21, 2025

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