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Shark School 3-Books-In-1!: Deep-Sea Disaster; Lights! Camera! Hammerhead!; Squid-Napped!

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Product Name
Shark School 3-Books-In-1!: Deep-Sea Disaster; Lights! Camera! Hammerhead!; Squid-Napped!
Product Description

The first three books of the Shark School series are now available in a fin-tastic paperback edition In Deep-Sea Disaster a class trip to a famous shipwreck almost ends in disaster for Harry Hammer and his pals. In Lights Camera Hammerhead humans arrive at Shark Point to film an underwater documentary and Harry wants a starring role. But his dreams start turning to nightmares when arch rival Rick Reef also wants a part in the movie And in Squid-napped Harry leaves Shark Point for faraway waters--and comes face to face with a ravenous giant squid who hasn t had his lunch yet

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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