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Trace Minerals Colloidal Silver Liquid 30 PPM Safe Dose Mineral Supplement 99.99% Pure Super-Oxygenated Vegan 16 oz Bottle

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Product Name
Trace Minerals Colloidal Silver Liquid 30 PPM Safe Dose Mineral Supplement 99.99% Pure Super-Oxygenated Vegan 16 oz Bottle
Product Description

Trace Minerals Colloidal Silver contains more than 30 ppm per serving of 99.999% pure super oxygenated colloidal silver and distilled water only. We use proprietary technology to process this high quality colloidal silver for maximum effectiveness and do not add any preservatives additives or sweeteners. Adults take 1 tsp three times daily for one week then ½ tsp three times daily until desired results are attained. Children under age 12 take ½ tsp three times daily for one week then ¼ tsp three times daily until desired results are attained. Do not exceed the recommended daily serving without consulting your health care provider. Always keep in dark container and out of sunlight. Do not freeze. Trace Minerals is America’s #1 Trace Minerals Supplement Brand. Since 1972 Trace Minerals brand has been recognized around the world as the pioneer of ionic trace mineral products that have supported consumers in living healthy lives. All products are third-party tested to give you the highest quality and maximum absorption. Feel the difference with pure ingredients you can trust to perform - only from America’s #1 Trace Mineral Supplement Brand.

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Last updated
December 13, 2024

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