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Classical Music: The 50 Greatest Composers and Their 1 000 Greatest Works (Paperback)

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Product Name
Classical Music: The 50 Greatest Composers and Their 1 000 Greatest Works (Paperback)
Product Description

MAKE A SOUND INVESTMENT IN CLASSICAL MUSIC Who are the ten most important classical composers? Who in the world was Palestrina? Why did Stravinsky s Rite of Spring cause a riot? Which five of each important composer s works should you buy? What is a concerto and how does it differ from a sonata? Maybe you don t know the answers to these questions; author Phil Goulding certainly didn t. When Goulding first tried to learn about classical music he found himself buried in an avalanche of technical terms and complicated jargon--so he decided to write the book he couldn t find. The result is a complete classical music education in one volume. Comprehensive discriminating and delightfully irreverent Classical Music provides such essential information as: * Rankings of the top 50 composers (Bach is #1. Borodin is #50) * A detailed and anecdotal look at each composer s life and work * The five primary works of each composer and specific recommended CDs for each. * Further great works of each composer--if you really like him * Concise explanations of musical terminology forms and periods * A guide to the parts and history of the symphony orchestra This book uses every conceivable gimmick to immerse readers in the richness of classical music: lists rankings sidebars devoted to lively anecdotes and catchy leads. --The Washington Post One terrific music appreciation book...The information is surprisingly detailed but concisely presented. Goulding s writing style is breezy yet mature....[He] has raised music appreciation from a racket to a service. --The Arizona Daily Star

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Last updated
March 7, 2025

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