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SmartyKat Skitter Critters Soft Plush Catnip Filled Mice Cat Toys Set of 3

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Product Name
SmartyKat Skitter Critters Soft Plush Catnip Filled Mice Cat Toys Set of 3
Product Description

SmartyKat Skitter Critters set of 3 Plush Catnip Mice Cat Toys will satisfy your cat s need for stimulation. A tantalizing pack of irresistible catnip mice your cat will love to carry bat hide for an ongoing game of hide and seek! These little perfectly sized lightweight mice give your cat the exercise they need. SmartyKat Skitter Critters are 50% filled with our pure and potent catnip and the fluffy fiberfill is spun from 100% recycled plastic. Stimulating cat toys attract cats with catnip to engage them to frolic romp & play. Most cats respond to catnip with a burst of energetic activity followed by a calm mellow period. SmartyKat gives pet parents the best of all worlds: SmartyKat products are designed to meet child safety standards and are backed by our 100% satisfaction.

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Last updated
December 22, 2024

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