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The Mariel Boatlift (Hardcover)

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Product Name
The Mariel Boatlift (Hardcover)
Product Description

American Association for State and Local History Leadership in History Award in Local History - Honorable Mention Florida Book Awards Gold Medal for Florida Nonfiction Set against the sweeping backdrop of one of the most dramatic refugee crises of the twentieth century The Mariel Boatlift presents the stories of Cuban immigrants to the United States who overcame frightening circumstances to build new lives for themselves and flourish in their adopted country. Award-winning historian Victor Triay portrays the repressive climate in Cuba as the democratic promises of Fidel Castro s 1959 revolution gave way to a communist dictatorship under which the people of the island became virtually cut off from the outside world. He illustrates how escalating internal tensions during the regime s second decade in power culminated in an exodus of over 125 000 Cuban refugees across the Straits of Florida during the spring and summer of 1980. Alongside a fast-paced narrative offering a brief history of the Mariel Boatlift Triay presents testimonies from former Mariel refugees who recall their lives in Cuba before the boatlift and how they longed to reunite with family members who lived in exile in the United States. Their captivating stories detail the physical and psychological abuse they endured in Cuba at the hands of pro-government mobs and the mistreatment many experienced at processing centers there before reaching the port of Mariel. They recall treacherous journeys to Key West aboard vessels that were deliberately overcrowded to life-threatening levels by Cuban authorities as well as their experiences settling in Miami and beyond. Called the scum--escoria--of society by the Cuban government a false portrayal accepted and spread by some in the American media Mariel refugees faced extraordinary challenges upon entering U.S. society. Yet despite the obstacles placed before them the overwhelming majority of these immigrants successfully transitioned to their new lives as Americans and many have emerged as leading professionals scholars writers artists and businesspeople. This book shares their hardships and successes while profoundly illustrating the human impact of international power struggles.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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