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Blue Wave Soft Comfort Spa Seat Cushion

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Product Name
Blue Wave Soft Comfort Spa Seat Cushion
Product Description

Enhance your spa experience with the Comfort Spa Seat Cushion. Relax in style with the water-filled seat cushion specifically designed for inflatable hot tubs and portable spas. This soft seat cushion provides additional support and comfort during your spa session. The cushion is made from a heat resistant soft PVC material with an oversized inlet valve for quick easy filling using a normal garden hose (hose not included). For the smaller bather use the Comfort Spa Seat Cushion to sit slightly higher in the water. Create a more enjoyable overall spa experience with the Soft Comfort Cushion. Soft heat resistant PVC material Oversized inlet fill valve One fill chamber Color: White Set includes: 0 Brand: Blue Wave Model: NP5335 Materials: PVC Color: White Dimensions: 19 inches long x 13.5 inches wide x 4 inches high Weight: 1 pounds

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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