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How to Make Millions with Your Ideas : An Entrepreneur s Guide (Paperback)

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How to Make Millions with Your Ideas : An Entrepreneur s Guide (Paperback)
Product Description

You ve come up with a brilliant idea for a brand-new product or service you know could make you rich. Or maybe you currently own a business that pays the bills and your dream is to become fabulously successful and retire a millionaire. But how? How to Make Millions with Your Ideas has all the answers. This book is packed with the true stories and proven advice of ordinary people who began with just an idea a simple product or a fledgling business and wound up with millions. It examines the methods and principles of dozens of successful entrepreneurs including author Dan Kennedy s surefire easy-to-follow Millionaire Maker Strategies. It helps you determine which of three paths to success are best for you and guides you step-by-step down that path on your way to fortune. Discover: - The eight best ways to make a fortune from scratch - How to turn a hobby into a million-dollar enterprise - How to sell an existing business for millions - The power of electronic media to help make you rich - The Million Dollar Rolodex of contacts and information you can use to get on the road to wealth

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December 2, 2024

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