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Carefresh natural paper small pet bedding 14L

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Product Name
Carefresh natural paper small pet bedding 14L
Product Description

Make the softest driest most comfortable home for your small pet with complete comfort care bedding. Only carefresh® natural bedding is made from scratch with pillowy soft ultra absorbent comfyfluff™ designed specifically for small pets. Made from 100% reclaimed natural fiber it provides your small pet a warm and safe natural home that is better for your small pets your home and the planet. carefresh is the bedding of choice for hamsters gerbils rats mice rabbits guinea pigs chinchillas and ferrets. Unlike other bedding carefresh makes its own paper using raw material obtained directly from its source to ensure your small pet lives a happy healthy and loveable life. Healthy Pet utilizes materials such as cellulose fiber and natural wood from sustainable sources free of harmful chemicals and other pollutants and we’ve been doing it proudly for over 30 years. Variations in product color texture and size can occur due to our commitment to using these sustainable materials to protect the future of our planet. Best bedding for guinea pigs rabbits hamsters gerbils rats mice and chinchillas.

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Last updated
February 9, 2025

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