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The Math Chef: Over 60 Math Activities and Recipes for Kids (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Math Chef: Over 60 Math Activities and Recipes for Kids (Paperback)
Product Description

Just as cookies go with milk and peanut butter goes with jelly math and cooking go hand in hand. This fun-filled book shows youexactly how. With more than 60 activities and recipes to try you can practicemath while you cook! Get a handle on measurement multiplication division fractions percents geometry and more while whippingup mouth-watering treats like scrumptious stromboli slices chewymarshmallow-fudge squares yummy chicken nuggets and deliciousbutterscotch muffins. Whether you re a beginner or an experienced cook you too canbecome a Math Chef. All activities and recipes are kid-tested andrequire only common ingredients and kitchen utensils. There s alsoa helpful list of safety rules an explanation of basic cookingskills and a complete nutrition guide.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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