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Unbridled Faith: 100 Devotions from the Horse Farm (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Unbridled Faith: 100 Devotions from the Horse Farm (Hardcover)
Product Description

Explore the timeless wisdom of God s Word through this beautiful horse devotional. Horses nuzzle their way into our hearts and have a way of teaching us a lot about ourselves about life and even about God. Just ask horse enthusiast Cara Whitney wife of comedian and actor Dan Whitney (aka Larry the Cable Guy). Through years spent working with these majestic animals Cara Whitney has learned countless spiritual lessons that have brought her closer to God. She shares those stories in Unbridled Faith. In 100 heartfelt devotions with stunning photography you ll: Learn about being flexible in your faith from a gangly legged colt. Discover the secret to overcoming temptation through a horse s sneak and eat game. From a pony with a sweet tooth find out why we should be glad God doesn t answer yes to all of our prayers. Be reminded that you are priceless to God by a one-eyed quarter horse named Roanie. This devotional is perfect for anyone who adores horses and the simple farm life.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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