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Foundations Quad Sport 4-Seat Stroller Red

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Product Name
Foundations Quad Sport 4-Seat Stroller Red
Product Description

The Foundations Quad 4 Seat Stroller is one of the most popular multi-child strollers on the market and it features canopies for sun protection easy to clean fabric and extra-large storage baskets. Seating for four passengers each has an adjustable 5 point harness and reclining seat. Each seat will accommodate children up to 40 pounds. Rubberized shock absorbing foam wheels provide a comfortable ride. Stroller features in-line stadium design to maximize child visibility to enable interaction with their environment and to ease maneuverability. Stroller features safe break system which reacts when stroller handle is released. Portable stroller folds for convenient storage and transport. Easy to maneuver stroller canopy protects children from UV rays and mesh window allows visibility to passengers. Stroller fits through standard doorways so children can be loaded indoors. Safe break system engages when handle is released. Limited 1-year warranty.

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Last updated
February 15, 2025

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