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Spectacular Science Project Janice Vancleave s Magnets: Mind-Boggling Experiments You Can Turn Into Science Fair Projects Book 3 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Spectacular Science Project Janice Vancleave s Magnets: Mind-Boggling Experiments You Can Turn Into Science Fair Projects Book 3 (Paperback)
Product Description

The perfect science fair idea books. Spectacular Science ProjectsJanice VanCleave s Magnets * How does a compass work? * What is a magnetic field? * How can you make a magnet with electricity? Janice VanCleave s Magnets includes 20 simple and fun experimentsthat allow you to discover the answers to these and otherfascinating questions about magnets plus dozens of additionalsuggestions for developing your own science fair projects. Learnabout magnetic poles using a bar magnet paper and string; aboutmagnetic force fields with a compass a pencil and a sheet ofpaper; and much more. All experiments use inexpensive householdmaterials and involve a minimum of preparation and clean up.Children ages 8-12 Also available in the Spectacular ScienceProjects Series: Janice VanCleave s Animals Janice VanCleave sEarthquakes Janice VanCleave s Electricity Janice VanCleave sGravity Janice VanCleave s Machines Janice VanCleave s MoleculesJanice VanCleave s Microscopes and Magnifying Lenses JaniceVanCleave s Volcanoes Janice VanCleave s Weather

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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