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Energizer Ultimate Lithium AAA Batteries (4 Pack) Triple A Batteries

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Product Name
Energizer Ultimate Lithium AAA Batteries (4 Pack) Triple A Batteries
Product Description

Energizer Ultimate Lithium AAA Batteries (4 Pack) Triple A Batteries Experience lasting performance with Energizer Ultimate Lithium AAA Batteries. These household batteries are not only the #1 longest lasting AAA batteries in high-tech devices but they also feature leak resistant construction and superior performance in extreme temperatures ranging from -40 degrees F to 140 degrees F. Use these AAA lithium batteries to power a variety of high tech and household items whether you need flashlight batteries or batteries for game controllers digital cameras or your child s favorite toys and games. Ultimate Lithium Energizer AAA batteries weigh one-third less than standard alkaline triple A batteries making them a lightweight power source. Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries also hold power for up to 25 years in storage letting you keep a ready supply of backup batteries. To ensure your favorite devices operate at their peak performance depend on Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries for work play and home.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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