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Dover Magic Books: Self-Working Mental Magic (Paperback)

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Product Name
Dover Magic Books: Self-Working Mental Magic (Paperback)
Product Description

An excellent introduction to mentalism and mental magic. It covers a broad range of mentalism methods tools and techniques. Also each chapter moves at a good progression from the simplest to the most advanced. Yet even the most advanced stuff is not beyond the reach of beginner. -- Magic Reviewed Karl Fulves one of the most renowned modern writers in the field of magic presents 67 new and foolproof tricks -- spectacular mental feats that seem impossible but are easy to perform. None of the tricks requires long practice supernormal dexterity or complicated apparatus. Mr. Fulves precise easy-to-follow instruction and many helpful diagrams lead to quick mastery and effective performance of each. Perform mystifying mental magic in such categories as Instant ESP Psychic Secrets Slate Sorcery Mind Reading with Cards Mind over Matter Miracles with Cards Book Tests and Psychometry. Many of these tricks can be done with no prior preparation and all involve easy-to-find materials: a deck of cards coins matches dice keys chalk etc. But while the materials are ordinary the effects are truly extraordinary. Magicians who wish to add mental acts to their routines party entertainers or anyone wishing to give an amazing performance of mental magic will find this book perfect for their needs.

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Last updated
January 31, 2025

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