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Dover Magic Books: Practical Mental Magic (Paperback)

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Product Name
Dover Magic Books: Practical Mental Magic (Paperback)
Product Description

Mind reading thought transmission prophecy miracle slate routines and other psychic effects are among the most impressive tricks in any magician s repertoire. Their power to amaze and dumbfound an audience is unparalleled in the domain of stage magic. In this volume one of the greatest of all mental magicians reveals the secrets behind nearly 200 astonishing feats of mental magic. The routines encompass 12 major categories: Effects with Billets and Pellets; Envelope Necromancy; Publicity Effects; Miracle Slate Routines; Dead or Alive; Money Mentalism; Book Tests; Blindfold Reading; Thought Foretold; Mentalism with Cards; Miscellaneous Mental Masterpieces; and Psychic Codes. Theodore Annemann through his own performances and editorship of Jinx magazine probably did more than anyone else to popularize this branch of entertainment. Now his extensive knowledge experience and know-how are at your fingertips in this comprehensive collection. Here are the closely guarded tricks of the trade behind such astonishing effects as Pseudo-Psychometry one of the greatest one-man psychic effects ever achieved; Who Killed Mr. X? -- a classic routine that combines both magic and mind reading with a triple mystery and a novel presentation; and The Swami Test a demonstration of prophecy first popularized around 1920. Annemann himself came up with some 16 variations on this popular and much-practiced effect. My Own Swami Test is one of his best. These and scores of other crowd-pleasers are here each thoroughly explained and diagrammed with insiders tips on techniques staging patter plants and confederates diversions -- everything you need to make any trick a foolproof success. No special equipment is required; just traditional magic props and a willingness to learn from one of magic s legendary figures. Although written for professional magicians the step-by-step detail clarity and inclusiveness of this collection along with the author s intimate knowledge of the stage performer s needs make this a volume that will benefit magicians at every level of expertise.

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Last updated
January 26, 2025

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