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Cool-It Ice Massage Cold Therapy Facial Roller

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Product info

Product Name
Cool-It Ice Massage Cold Therapy Facial Roller
Product Description

How does it work? The Cool-It Roller reduces swelling inflammation and pain with a combination of cold compression and gentle massage. Cold compression therapy constricts the blood vessels in irritated skin which helps decrease swelling and eases pain. The drop in temperature of the skin slows cell metabolism limiting cell damage to affected tissue. The easy to maneuver roller stimulates microcirculation in the tiny capillaries of the skin to improve delivery of oxygen and nutrients and promote skin detoxification. Why is the Cool-It Roller Superior? Stays Cold With No Wet Mess: Ice packs and ice cubes are messy and clumsy. The roller will reach its effective icy temperature after about an hour in the freezer. The Cool-It Roller maintains its cold temperature up to 20 minutes and it won t melt or drip. Targets the Irritated Skin: Unlike ice packs the size and shape of the Cool-It Roller makes it easy to treat small areas of skin and to focus on sensitive hard to reach spots. Gentle Massage: The rolling action provides a gentle massage. The comfortable grip makes it easy to control the amount of pressure applied to the irritated skin. Durable Spa-Quality Products: Cool-It Roller s wheel is made from surgical grade stainless steel which has been micro-polished for a smooth surface. Used by plastic surgeons dermatologists and aestheticians.

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Last updated
January 30, 2025

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