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Old Summer Bridge Activities Workbook (160 pages) Grade 2-3

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Old Summer Bridge Activities Workbook (160 pages) Grade 2-3
Product Description

Recipient of Creative Child Magazine s 2018 Kids Product of the Year Award and 2018 Travel Fun of the Year Award Summer Bridge Activities is a distinguished series that engages children s creativity and learning potential. Give your soon-to-be third grader a head start on their upcoming school year with Summer Bridge Activities: Bridging Grades 2–3. With daily 15-minute exercises kids can review skip-counting and using adjectives and learn new skills like rounding numbers and writing compound sentences. In just 15 minutes a day this workbook series helps to prevent summer learning loss while paving the way toward a successful new school year. And this is no average workbook—Summer Bridge Activities keeps the fun and the sun in summer break! Designed to prevent summer learning loss by keeping kids mentally and physically active the hands-on exercises can be done anywhere. These standards-based activities help kids set goals develop character practice fitness and explore the outdoors. With 12 weeks of creative learning Summer Bridge Activities keeps skills sharp all summer long!

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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