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The Film Snob*s Dictionary : An Essential Lexicon of Filmological Knowledge (Paperback)

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Product Name
The Film Snob*s Dictionary : An Essential Lexicon of Filmological Knowledge (Paperback)
Product Description

From the same brain trust that brought you The Rock Snob*s Dictionary the hilarious bestselling guide to insiderist rock arcana comes The Film Snob*s Dictionary an informative and subversively funny A-to-Z reference guide to all that is held sacred by Film Snobs those perverse creatures of the repertory cinema. No longer must you suffer silently as some clerk in a Tod Browning s Freaks T-shirt bombards you with baffling allusions to wire-fu pictures Todd-AO process and Sam Raimi. By helping to close the knowledge gap between average moviegoers and incorrigible Snobs the dictionary lets you in on hidden gems that film geeks have been hoarding (such as Douglas Sirk and Guy Maddin movies) while exposing the trash that Snobs inexplicably laud (e.g. most chop-socky films and Mexican wrestling pictures). Delightfully illustrated and handily organized in alphabetical order for quick reference The Film Snob*s Dictionary is your fail-safe companion in the video store the cineplex or wherever insufferable Film Snobs congregate.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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