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Microbiology: Probiotics and Related Applications (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Microbiology: Probiotics and Related Applications (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book gives a detailed explanation of the various concepts and applications of microbiology and probiotics. While understanding the long-term perspectives of the topics, the book makes an effort in highlighting their impact as a modern tool for the growth of the discipline. Microbiology refers to the study of microorganisms, encompassing unicellular, multicellular and acellular organisms. Probiotics are a distinct species of microorganisms, which are considered beneficial for human as well as animal health. This book shed slight on the varied applications of microbiology with respect to probiotics. This book explores all the important aspects of microbiology and probiotics in the present day scenario. Different approaches, evaluations, methodologies and advanced studies on this subject have been included in the text. For all those who are interested in microbiology, this text can prove to be an essential guide.

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Last updated
March 11, 2025

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