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Muscle Milk Pro Advanced Nutrition Protein Shake, Knockout Chocolate, 11.16 fl oz Bottle

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Product Name
Muscle Milk Pro Advanced Nutrition Protein Shake, Knockout Chocolate, 11.16 fl oz Bottle
Product Description

MUSCLE MILK Pro Series Protein Shakes provide all 9 essential amino acids, which the body is not able to produce, with an immediate and prolonged protein delivery in the body. For healthy muscles, protein is essential and the timing of your intake of protein is crucial. The goal is to keep your body's protein supply at peak levels so you have available nutrients to maintain, repair and build your muscles. What does this mean? MUSCLE MILK Pro Series Protein Shakes provide high quality proteins that are designed to keep your body in positive protein balance to help promote exercise recovery, provide sustained energy and help build and maintain lean muscle. Key Features: 32g high quality protein, 170 calories, 1g sugar, Excellent source of 20 essential vitamins and minerals, Gluten Free, 4g fiber, Gluten Free, Suitable for most individuals that are sensitive to lactose

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Last updated
December 16, 2024

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